Winsday: Daily Affirmations

Winsday: Daily Affirmations


Hey {{contact.first_name}}!

Keeping it short and sweet on this WINSday to drop a few affirmations into your inbox. I realize now more than ever, a lot of you are going through some shit. Life is heavy and there are a lot of negative and bad people out there along the way. But there are a lot of good people too and good things around you. My hope is to add a little bit more good to your day and breath fresh air into your morning. 

But first, what is an affirmation? Jay Shetty sums it up perfectly in the final chapter of Think Like A Monk. "An affirmation is a word or phrase you want to set as an intention." So think of words and phrases that INSPIRE or MOTIVATE you. 

I am kicking things off with one that reminds me that we are in control of our own life. 

 "The world isn't with you or against you.You create your own reality in every moment." To me, this means- while I may not be able to control everything that happens in this life, I can control how I respond to it. Say it:
I am in control.
Don't allow a victim mentality to creep in and make you feel like the world is out to get you and everyone is against you. It is all a perception. Change your lens and see how you can shift your focus. 
"Life is not going to go your way. You have to go your way and take life with you." I share a similar sentiment with people often. You cannot wait for perfect conditions to start. Life is always going to have road bumps and curve balls. You have to take action and respond to the happenings along the way. Repeat after me:

I can handle this.

Train your mind how to respond, react, and keep the big picture in focus. Commit to getting what you want out of life and trust that you can handle anything that comes your way.


One of the keys to success for me is having a calm and positive start to the day. My morning routine has become a sacred part to the day. Here are a few suggestions to help you put your best foot forward.

Remember: Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

➡️Set your alarm early enough to give you at least 30 minutes of quiet alone time in the morning (I have worked it back to 2 hours of quiet alone time at this point:))

➡️Have your coffee pot or favorite beverage set and ready to go.

➡️Lay out a self development book or podcast to consume first thing versus mindless scrolling on social. 

➡️Spend a few minutes practicing gratitude. This could be writing three things you're grateful for or just intentionally sitting with your thoughts. 

➡️Get your blood flowing. Walk a mile, stretch, meditate, breath work, or get a quick workout in. Feeling your body wake up is a great way to get an endorphin hit first thing. 

🗣REMINDER: from Coach Kristi!

Don't forget I will be hosting a LIVE Zoom Meal Prep Q&A for our Facebook and FIT LV members Thursday 5:30pm PST. If you aren't in the Facebook group, click the link to join and get the details🙌🏽

As always, thanks for being here. 

-Coach K ❤️


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