One of the biggest wins I experienced with Coach K and FITLV was my workout consistency. My workouts are now a non negotiable. It is something that just happens…like it doesn’t even cross my mind to skip it anymore it feels like it’s hardwired in.
When we started I would workout Monday and Tuesday maybe Wednesday and then the rest of the week would be a wash. Now I’m consistently hitting 6 days a week. I don’t even schedule other things during my workout time….like sorry I have an appt. That appt is me!
And of course the shift in my body composition and definition!! This program got me out of my rut…like I’ve come through a cloud of mist

With Coach Steve’s help, I have gone from 226 to 176. I have regained confidence to live my life to my fullest potential. I retaught myself that hard stuff isn't something to fear - it's something that will allow me to look back and see how far I've come. -Erik
I am now the active mom I have always wanted to be! Goal #2, tone up and become the buff mom who can finally beat her kid in a pull-up competition! Makayla, I'm coming for you! -Heather

SteveThe doctor asked, “How did you lose 22 pounds in three months?” I told her my nutrition coach is Kristi Vaccaro. She said, “when most people lose weight they also lose muscle. You gained two pounds of muscle! How did you do that?” I told her my trainer, Kristi Vaccaro. My body fat % went from 29.9 down to 22.7!! The doctor was amazed!
JenI just wanted you to know I am grateful to have met you and call you my friend. I so appreciate the accountability program. I’ve connected with myself in a different way working out at home!
SusanBTW - my milk supply has had no effect and still going strong! I was reluctant at first to start working out and counting macros because the doctor told me my milk supply may decrease. I’m so glad that I trusted your process! Because I mentally feel better about myself more so then my first postpartum journey (I didn’t work out/diet until I was done nursing). So just a huge Thank you!
ShawnNot gonna lie, I was scared to train with Kristi at first. I thought she’d be too hard for me, but I had specific goals and she was recommended by three people so I committed to eight weeks. That was two years ago and I’ve been a regular client since! Reaching a goal and maintaining it are two different beasts but Kristi thoughtfully navigates both with ease, crafting sessions specific to my goals and identifying mental or physical obstacles to coach me past them. There’s one minor challenge…when I whine and negotiate she acts like she can’t hear me. But she genuinely wants you to succeed and I am grateful for her presence!
AlI hired Kristi to coach me in starting a life in CrossFit competition. She has taught me sooo much! From Olympic lift fundamentals to the value of mobility training, I now possess a true understanding of the CrossFit methodology. The progress I’ve made these last 2 years is amazing! I have done weight training and bodybuilding for 8 years, so I have an idea on how to train for aesthetic results. When Kristi introduced me to CrossFit, the finer points of technique and mobility has completely changed my perception of fitness and what it is to be truly fit. I am at the fittest I have ever been, including during my years as an elite level sprinter. I am extremely grateful for Kristi being my coach and she will continue being my coach as long as I continue to compete in the sport of CrossFit.
PriscillaI love training with Kristi! She has helped my family obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In 2016, I found out that I was expecting a baby boy! As happy as I was about being pregnant I was also worried that I would not being able to exercise with my growing belly. However, Kristi made sure to modify my training so that I could continue to stay active. She also made sure that I kept track of my diet so that both my baby and myself were getting the proper nutrition. During this time, training played key role in daily mood. I always left the gym feeling great about myself. When my seven pound baby finally arrived I was able to fit back into my pre pregnancy pants within two weeks. Fast foreword to 2019, I am now a toddler mom. I am busy, I am tired, but I am still training. Kristi offers constant encouragement to stay healthy for myself and for my family. She has played such a big role in my life that my son refers to her as Auntie Kristi.
KarenI knew I wouldn’t have the self discipline to go to a gym and work out on my own. With my age, weight and some old injuries, I was worried about using someone as fit as Kristi. Many people recommend her so I gave her a try. Kristi catered the work outs to my age, my body and my goals. She motivated me and offered lots of advice and support. Her guide for nutrition helped me drop weight, and get proper nutrients without being hungry. I highly recommend Coach Kristi for training and nutrition. She can help you change your life, feel better and look great.
AngieEverything I learned from Kristi I still use today. I am aware of my stance for deadlifts, (which I LOVE). To how to do a squat properly. You show that you care, not just as a trainer, but as a human being.
Not once did she ever make me feel crappy about how much I let myself go over the years. She accepted me and my limits from day one.
Kristi, thank you so much! I think of you often. You seem to be doing well and your children are adorable!!! Thanks for being my friend
CrissiKristi is an excellent trainer in a large part because she is a great teacher and truly cares about your results.
I have had the pleasure of having Kristi as both an in person trainer and as an online coach. She has always been focused on my end goals and makes every session challenging and fun.
She is constantly aware of proper form, and quick to make modifications if necessary or cue when needed to avoid injury.
Kristi is punctual, honest and truly one of the kindest human beings I have ever met.
Her education and training is clear when it comes to her programming and plans. Results are guaranteed if you follow her guidance. She will help teach you how to make lifestyle changes to help you achieve your results and keep them for lifelong success.
I would 100% recommend her program to anyone that wants to elevate their fitness.
LizI am so thankful for the coaching Kristi gave me, when I was struggling with some personal health issues, Kristi never let me quit... she modified and allowed me to still put in the work. I see changes physically but what I’m most proud of is how far I’ve come mentally. Back when I started this journey I still wasn’t in a great place, make a few meals and throw around a few weights “great!”, but I just wasn’t feeling myself... months in, and here I am sleeping 100% better(with the exception of a young kid waking me some nights), wanting to eat food to FUEL my body instead of just out of boredom, wanting to wake each day and kick ass instead of lay in bed and just exist. This was just a 6 month journey that isn’t over yet, I can’t wait to see what another 6 months can bring with the tools I’ve learned from Kristi ❤️

Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key