FGF: Change Means Growth

Hey there!
We're back with another #feelgoodfriday. This week is going to be a bit different as I share with you what #teamFITLV has been working on behind the scenes and special dates to look out for!!
But first I want to share with you a little food for thought on change...
I have known that this year was going to be a big year for change. Change is required in order for growth to happen. That's how it works right? And I know in order to scale this little online business of mine, which started out with 8 members in April of 2020, I have to be open to change!!
For as long as I can remember, I have constantly been hungry for growth. To be better, to do better, to expect better of myself and those around me. My grandpa has always described me as audacious, or by definition: very bold or daring.
And while I pride myself on being bold and chasing the life of my dreams: growth and change can be scary and hard!! Plus- GROWING PAINS...OUCH!
So when I start to question my constant need to one up myself and experience the inevitable growing pains, I remind myself of the below quote (which has gotten me through a lot..)
Oh what do you know, another example of having to get uncomfortable before experiencing greatness. :)) But it's true. I talk about it all the time. You must get uncomfortable before experiencing the change and growth. All of this to say, I am reminding myself of these things a lot this year.
So what's new?
First some exciting news! Team FIT LV has added a new coach to the roster!! You may have seen some of her awesome content dripping into the Facebook group (if you aren't in the group click here to join).
Rachel has been a long time member of the FIT LV Accountability group and continued to come back to our style of programming and coaching after experiencing many others. She has also recently completed her Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism certification(CONGRATS!) so she will be a huge asset to our momma members!
Other news:
⭐️Stay tuned for our new website!! While the old website is still up and running, the shiny new website is COMING SOON! (one of those uncomfy growth things;))
⭐️As we transition to the new software and systems we will be reaching out to some of you to transition your memberships over. We thank you in advance for your understanding!
⭐️We are launching a Refer A Friend campaign in March with a HUGE giveaway to follow. Keep your eyes peeled for it!
⭐️ILLINOIS MEMBERS!!! In case you missed it the FIT LV X EATOLOGY Bootcamp was moved to March 5th!! You can sign up for it below.
As always, thank you for being here!! Looking forward to growing and getting better with you!
-Coach K