Live Your Intentions-FGF
Hey {{contact.first_name}}!
FIT LV back with another #feelgoodfriday. No matter what your goals are I hope you had a great week and feel that much closer to achieving them.
Every week during our check-ins we coaches ask, “What are your intentions for the week ahead?”
Usually we get messages back with intentions on better sleep, greater nutrition compliance, more workouts, etc.
Having intentions is great, but it isn’t enough.
Live your intentions.
Think of your intentions as seeds. Seeds are great and all, tons of potential, but you have to take action for those seeds grow.
Say for instance you said, “I wish I could be more organized and focused to achieve my goals.”
The words “I wish” can be interpreted as code for “I don’t want to do anything differently.”
Living your intention means having it change and become your behavior.
Intentions are good, Action is better.
So let's take some of the common intentions and put action to them.
➡️Intention: I want to get 4 workouts in this week
✅Action Steps:
-Lay out workout clothes the night before
-Time block 4 hours in your week for your workouts and put them in your planner.
-Phone a friend. Invite a friend to workout with you or share your workout plan on social media. A little additional accountability goes a long way!
➡️Intention: Hit macros all week
✅Action Steps:
-Pre-log your meals in My Fitness Pal so you know what foods you need to eat to hit your numbers.
-If you aren't planning to prep your meals, hire a meal prep service and get your meals delivered.
-Plan other activities with friends and family that aren't food/restaurant based.
➡️Intention: Get more sleep
✅Action Steps:
-Set up a household bedtime routine that lands you in bed at an earlier hour.
-Set a firm TV and electronic cut off time and stick to it.
-Add in a sleep supplement or sleepy time tea that can help set the mood and trigger the bedtime routine.
➡️Without clear cut action steps that you follow through on, your "intentions" are just wishful thinking.
Look at your intentions, understand your why.
Once you know the WHY behind the want.
Ask yourself:
-What will it take to get it?
-Am I interested in doing the work?
-Am I willing to do the work?
-Will the process to get there bring me fulfillment even if I don’t succeed quickly?
Focus on the process, not the outcome.I can tell you from working with hundreds of people, too often they get caught up in the outcome. The goal weight. The big lift. The one pair of pants they can't wait to fit. But they forget about all of the lessons and little wins along the way. In the journey. The process. What if you realized the prize was in the process and NOT the outcome itself? Take for instance the goal: weight, wearing a certain type of clothing or size, lifting X amount of pounds, a certain level of financial success. -Can you visualize yourself living this way? -Becoming that person? -What type of lifestyle does a person with that accomplishment have to live? Is it temporary for long term? -What sort of characteristics does a person with X have? I can sell you on the freedoms this lifestyle will bring you all day, but you have to be interested, willing, and dive into the hard work and process along the way. |
ADD TO-BE'sI want you to make a list of "to-be's" to add to your action steps/goals. This is meant to serve as a reminder that achieving your goals with intention, means living up to the type of person and values required to accomplish those goals. EXAMPLE: ➡️Intention: I want to get 4 workouts in this week ✅Action Steps: -Lay out workout clothes the night before -Time block 4 hours in your week for your workouts and put them in your planner. -Phone a friend. Invite a friend to workout with you or share your workout plan on social media. A little additional accountability goes a long way! ⭐️ TO BE: -Disciplined -Prepared -Communicative
You can repeat this activity with any of your intentions or goals. What are the action steps you need to take. "to do's," and what are the values that will drive those actions, "to be's?"
Hope this #FGF brought some applicable steps to accomplishing your goals. This is your daily reminder that you are stronger than you think, more disciplined than you know, and hold the key to unlocking the life of your dreams.
That's all for now. As always, thanks for being here.
Peace, Love, and Burpees.
-Coach K